Newman Art Designs uses a Secure shopping cart system so all customer data is private, and can be submitted with confidence. All categories are accessible through our navigation panel, and each format will display a current price list.
To place an order simply select the BUY link which is listed near each product, this will add the product to your shopping cart. By selecting the [Continue Shopping] link on the lower part of the Shopping Cart page, you will be sent back to the previous page you had visited. You can move anywhere through the Newman Art Designs Website, and continue adding items to your cart at will.
The Shopping Cart allows you to change quantities, and remove items at any time. Be sure to hit the [Recalculate] button if you make any changes while on the Shopping Cart Page.
Shipping is automatically calculated as you add or subtract items. Even if you are not planning to purchase items during your visit, you can still get an estimate of how much your total would be for future reference.
If you're ordering with a credit card through our shopping cart, you must provide us with your home/business phone number (beeper numbers will not be accepted), and a legitimate email address. No phone number means no order.